How to Keep Your Smartphone and Personal Data Safe? [Infographic]

Everybody owns a smart phone these days and those who rely on the fantastic tools and apps these phones provide, for them spending a single day without these gadgets is a nightmare.

Losing this phone which makes your life simpler by having information like your contacts, calendars, mails and a lot more, can turn your day upside down. But, if you take some precautionary tips, you can minimize the impact of losing your phone and the important data that it has got or else the loss can be worse than that.

Studies have indicated that there has been a 13% rise in identity fraud since 2010, which is attributed partially to the increase in the number of smart phones. With identity theft on the rise, it is more important than ever to make sure that all the data on your phone is safe and easily recoverable in case the device is lost or stolen. Please check out these precautionary tips to keep your phone and personal data safe in the form of an infographic “What Our Phones Can Reveal About Us”


I know nobody likes to lose their beloved phone, but if you do, taking these precautions, you can reduce the effect of losing your phone and data it has on it.

So, what precautions are you taking for keeping your smartphone and personal data safe?

If you liked this infographic, do share it with  your friends on facebook and twitter. You may also like to head over to our interesting infographic section for more informative stuff.

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  1. The infographic is really informative. It’s nice tips to take precautions.
    And it’s good news for privacy just like me I don’t want my GF will use my data 😛

  2. The smartphones have become targets of cyber criminals who will prey on the fact that not many people have secured their phones but use them to access their personal and sensitive information. The finding of mobile security software should one way to make sure that the loophole is covered and data and identities are not stolen.


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